NAHA Project Lab

Sustainability Learning Games

Sustainable Day

A day for doing small sustainable activities in the neighbourhood

Sustainability Category:

GameCard Type:


Everywhere in the neighbourhood

Player Group





#sustainable_day   #sustainable_cooporation

Sustainable Development Goals


in each neighbourhood they choose one day as the sustainable day. During this day, they do sustainable activities around the neighbourhood such as cleaning the street, planting trees, recyclying some wastes and so on

Tips & Guidance

  1. people choose one day as the sustainable day in their neighbourhood
  2. all age groups in all genders come together and do sustainable activities all around the area
  3. create an archive of pictures, movies with other documents from their actions
  1. it can increase gender equality because everybody can do it
  2. it can increase social activities among people
  3. it can teach people what they can do to act sustainable


1. People might be busy and not join the group

  1. we can choose one day of the weekend
  2. people can join for even an hour not the whole day


people come together every week, try to collaborate and enjoy their time to fight climate change in the scale of their neighborhood


people do not accept this idea and try to spend time on their own


Recycling & Circular Economy Question

10. What is NOT one of the 3 Rs?

Dein Ergebnis ist

Sustainable Day

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